Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Aliens, Einstein and Entropy

"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility"---Albert Einstein

The vatican announced recently that it is OK to believe in aliens, that it "doesn't contradict our faith", and that denouncing the possibility of extraterrestrial life would be like "putting limits" on god's creative freedom.

With all due respect to members of The Church of the Unblemished Beaver (aka 'chubbies') and other falderol inspired houses of worship, it is about fuckin time. The interview with the rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, titled The Extraterrestrial is my Brother, clears the way for welcoming aliens to earth while killing each other off. He added that the bible "is not a science book", and the Big Bang is the most "reasonable" explanation for the creation of the universe. The most reverend Funes apparently has not read the triadic theory of relativity.
Albert Einstein, a much smarter man than me, once wrote "...The word of God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation now matter how subtle can (for me) change this." Einstein, however, was clearly conflicted on the subject of religion. "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."--"God does not roll dice..." He also frowned on atheistic evangelism in his name; the evangelists lacked humility in his eyes. (Objection noted, Albert, but you are dead and have no say here)
Just prior to his death, Einstein spoke of wishing to "experience the universe as a single cosmic whole". However, his 'roll the dice' comment was made to dispute the randomness of quantum theory. It is clear to me that he was nearly ready to accept the basis of the Great Triad. Unfortunately, the ancient texts had not been unearthed in 1954. Also, in 1954, he was already an old man and his Mamou influence had already waned. Which leads me to the crux of this essay.
Mamou is pissed off, feeling ignored, shunned even. The cataclysmic events of recent days is evidence of his temper--earthquakes, volcanoes, child immolation, democratic primaries. The Great Triad is out of balance and he wants his share back.
I was pondering the life of Owsley Stanley today. Once dubbed the LSD millionaire, justly or unjustly, he is now a hardcore carnivore living in the Australian outback. Which led me to realize that drugs are just a business, like any other business, and I began to ponder the differences between businesses. Clearly, the worldwide gangs and associated drug cartels are run by people who can only be described as 'smart businessmen'. But in order to exert any positive influence, they need to be smarter still. Politics, and resultant 'influence' can only be affected, at least in the good ol' u.s. of a., by businesses that have been speciously labeled 'in the national interest'. By this I mean oil, steel, power and drug companies. Drug lords need to find a way to funnel their enormous profits into political action committees.
You know, we could be forgiven once for believing that Kennedy, or McGovern, might be the saving grace for our country; the naivete of youth perhaps. But we can only blame rampant stupidity for believing that any of the current candidates will do anything different. We have been listening to the same series of spins, half truths and false promises for well nigh a generation. And this can only be explained by entropy.
When we are born, we all have an overload of Mamouness. We jump of roofs, shoot BB guns at passing cars, smoke a lot of weed, drink a lot of beer, have a lot of sex. We don't make plans, or save money. We learn to walk, we learn to drive. The world comes at us how it wants, when it wants, without consequence, with possibility. But the more we learn, the more we forget, then we forget how to learn. We forget how to get lost, we forget how to play, we forget how to remember. And when we reach that 'quiet desperation', we go out searching for spirituality, or fun, or a strange piece of ass. We look to jesus, or yoga, or golf, or plasma TVs for the quietude of not giving a shit.
So I would ask all 4o+ americans to make a commitment. Roll a fatty and get high. Go fuck someone you don't know. Burn your bras (men too). Dance naked in the streets. Find you inner child and revert.
It is in the spirit of today's essay that I announce my candidacy as a write-in for president of the united states of amerika. I will take no money from anyone. Simply write in Fallen Angel in November. I promise that I will be high for the duration of my term(s). I promise that you will view the presidency as your favorite sitcom. I promise you that I will piss on the shoes of any congressperson who stands in my way. I will have no staff. I will trim the deficit by spending no money at all. I will send no one off to senseless wars. I will nominate Louis Black to the Supreme Court. I will legalize all drugs. I will remove "In god we trust' from all currency. I will insist that all congressional pages wear funny hats. I will eliminate red and blue from the color spectrum. I will make amerika the pride of the world. If I live that long.

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